VLC Skin Editor - Online Help > Documentation > Items > Checkbox


A Button that changes according to a specified condition. Used e.g. for controls that toggle something, like Play/Pause and un-/mute.
The Checkbox could also be seen as two buttons, of which one always appears according to the set condition. Thus the Checkbox has two sets of mouse-related states (up, over, down).

General Attributes

A unique identifier for the item.

A boolean expression indicating whether the item is shown or hidden.
XML-attribute name: visible

X and Y
The coordinates of the item relative to the parent container (Layout, Panel or Group).

Lefttop and Rightbottom
Indicate to which corners of the parent container the item's corners are attatched to in case of resizing.
See also: "How to create a resizable window"

Keep X/Y ratio
Indicate whether the items relative horizontal and vertical positions in the parent container should be maintained when it is resized.
See also: "How to create a resizable window"
XML-attribute name: xkeepratio & ykeepratio

Help text
Help text for the current control. The text variable $H will be set to this value when the mouse moves over the item.
XML-attribute name: help

Checkbox Attributes

The boolean expression defining in which state the checkbox is. If the expression resolves to true, the checkbox is in state two. Else the checkbox is in state one.
XML-attribute name: state

Normal image (1 and 2)
The bitmap that is displayed when the checkbox is in its normal state.
XML-attribute name: up1 & up2

Mouse-over image (1 and 2)
The bitmap that is displayed when the mouse is over the checkbox.
XML-attribute name: over1 & over 2

Mouse-click image (1 and 2)
The bitmap that is displayed when the checkbox is clicked.
XML-attribute name: down1 & down2

Action (1 and 2)
The action that is triggered when the checkbox is clicked.

Tooltiptext (1 and 2)
The text that is displayed as a tooltip, when the checkbox is hovered by the mouse. You can also use the available text variables.

See also:
Bitmap resources
Boolean Expressions
Text variables